flinder vales and controls inc case 54

You have been assigned to a merger negotiation team (I am RSE Management) representing one side of the negotiations between RSE International and Flinder Valves. Your goal in this negotiation should be to represent your firm effectively and to maximize value for your firm’s shareholders. Careful analysis and artful negotiation will accomplish these goals. Please note that this report requires you to submit a completed DCF analysis and comparable financial ratios.

-Write up : Answer the following questions

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1. What do you believe Flinder Valves is worth? What key financial assumptions determine the range of high and low values in your valuation analysis? Also, draw on any other valuation approaches and information that you can.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a combination between Flinder Valves and RSE International? What is your best alternative to a negotiated agreement with your counter party?

3. What risks do RSE International and Flinder Valves face in this proposed merger? Consider a range of transaction, financial, and operating risks. What effect do these risk factors have on the value of Flinder Valves?

4. From your perspective as a negotiator for your company, what are your goals in this negotiation? What do you expect are the goals of the other team?

5. Develop a negotiating strategy, including an identification of your opening and walk-away bid (ask) prices. The pre-negotiation report will require you to justify your walk-away price, therefore, list your three most important negotiation objectives and discuss what you hope to achieve and why?