

我们度过了一段美妙的时光!一切都太完美了!强烈推荐!船很漂亮,食物和音乐也很棒!可爱的家庭体验- Barbara F.
我丈夫和我为我们的5周年纪念日做了这个。我们玩得很开心。夕阳很美。食物和饮料都很好。我们随着我们的婚礼歌曲跳舞。大卫很好,很有趣。阿曼达做了最好的饮料。- 凯里-戴维斯
有趣的体验,食物和 DJ 都很不错。城市夜景美不胜收。如果去波士顿旅行,我们会强烈推荐。如果我们再来,一定还会再来。- Lisa M.

Pet-Friendly Cruises with Your Canine Crew and City Cruises

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.” -W.R. Purche   Dog people are a breed of their own. Pet owners consider their furry companions

The Best Place for a Boston Bachelor Party

Historically, some pre-wedding celebrations are more fun than others. Case in point: The bachelor party. It was created to mark the last night of the groom’s single life, and the

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Bachelorette Party in Boston

Boston is a city full of history and charm making it the perfect destination to host a bachelorette party that will be unforgettable. And when you host an epic party

Plan an Unforgettable Bridal Shower in Boston

If you’re able to imagine the historic charm of Boston, Massachusetts — combined with the serene beauty of its waterfront — then you know exactly how perfect it is for





2024 年情人节波士顿最值得做的事


波士顿观鲸:博物学家笔记 - 10/29/23 至 11/17/23

10/29/23至11/17/23鲸鱼目击。请查看新英格兰观鲸之旅的随船博物学家团队为 10/29/23 至 11/17/23 这一周所做的博物学家笔记

波士顿观鲸:博物学家笔记 - 10/19/23 至 10/28/23

10/19/23至10/28/23鲸鱼目击。请查看新英格兰观鲸之旅的随船博物学家团队为 10/19/23 至 10/28/23 这一周所做的博物学家笔记






There are plenty of fun things to do in Boston! For instance, you can explore the city’s many museums and historical sites, enjoy its diverse food and drink scene, or take part in one of its many annual festivals. Of course, Boston is also home to a variety of sports teams and outdoor activities, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this vibrant city. You can also take boat cruises down the river to take in the sights of Boston from a different perspective. Whatever you’re looking for, you’re sure to find it in Boston!


  • 访问波士顿时,一定要去看看自由之路。这条小路是一条2.5英里(4公里)的小路,可以带你到16个不同的历史遗址。
  • 其他一些受欢迎的旅游目的地包括芬威公园、昆西市场和新英格兰水族馆。
  • 请注意,波士顿的交通可能非常繁忙,所以要相应地计划你的路线。停车位也很难找,所以建议尽可能使用公共交通工具。
  • 如果你在夏季访问,一定要带上防晒霜和驱虫剂,因为周围可能有很多虫子。
  • 也一定要体验一下波士顿港之旅或观鲸活动